Oh Joy!
2002-10-03 || yet another
spell your first name back wards: naihtsihrisc, sorry, I can�t do it

the story behind your dl user name: Louis Armstrong had big cheeks, and when he blew his horn, his cheeks would blow up, like Dizzy Gillespie. They called him satchelmouth, and then eventually shortened it to Satchmo. Louis is my musical idol, without him I don�t think music would have been the same.

are you a lesbian: no

how old: 32

where do you live: salem, ma

four words that "sum you up": overweight, unhealthy, sane, happy

**describe your...**

wallet: pocket

hairbrush: none

toothbrush: white

jewelry worn daily: ring

pillow cover: white

blanket: something, I can�t sleep under blankets

coffee cup: white

sunglasses: white

shoes: white

backpack: black, messenger with tons of emo pins on it, no.

favorite top: white

favorite pants: white

cologne/perfume: aramis

cd in stereo right now: the Philadelphia experiment remixed

tattoos: over 20

piercings: ear

what are you wearing now: Baltimore orioles uniform, san diego chargers helmet

makeup: white

in my mouth: your dick

in my head: things I can�t�ummm�white

wishing: I was at a 24 hour beef restaurant

after this: we close the door

talking to: charles

eating: beef

fetishes: moesha

person you wish you could see right now: charles

is next to you: george

some of your favorite movies: I�ve answered this one like 4 times already.

something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months: november

the last thing you ate: 24 hour beef restaurant

something that you are deathly afraid of: heights, white people

**do you...**

like candles: yes

like hot wax: white

like incense: yes

like the taste of blood: no

believe in love: yes

believe in soulmates: no

believe in love at first sight: no

believe in heaven and hell: no

believe in forgiveness: yes

believe in God: NO

what do you want done with your body when you die: invisible

who is your worst enemy: charles

if you could have any animal for a pet: duck billed platypus

what is the latest you've ever stayed up: 6 in the fucking mohrnin

ever been to belgium: 4 times now this month

can you eat with chopsticks: forks exist for a reason

what's your favorite coin: white

what are five states you wouldn't mind relocating to: Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota

what are some of your favorite "pigout" foods: 24 hour beef restaurant

what's something that you wish people would understand: I don't really care what people understand, i don't think about how and why people act. live and let live.

understand better: white people are devils

anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time: josh, Jessica, ricky, stacy, fuck I miss them more than the devil.

before & after



