Oh Joy!
2002-08-19 || hornets
soundtrack � the Flaming Lips � whatever this new one is called fucking robots and shit

it is warm here, not warm like the heart of your grandmother who makes you cookies, warm like the inside of a human beings body. Like hot outside. So the CD is done�.well, it�s done in that everything important is done. On the ride home last night, while a passed out Scanzilla nodded off in the back seat, looking forward to the three hours of sleep he would be getting, and a fully awake, yes visibly exhausted Aarne pointed out different trees and guardrails I was about to hit, we noticed a glitch in one song. It�s just a minor dropout of sound, but noticeable to anyone listening. Overall, I would have to say the experience recording there was one of the greatest moments in this band so far. Steve was so cool, and seemed to be into us, and even gave us free reign to put his name all over it, which should hopefully help, as he�s got a good reputation, and well, we dig it. What it all comes down to is, we like it, and we like him and the work he has done, so even if it does nothing, to say we recorded with him is enough. I think we should be able to do something with it though. He gave us copies of his new CD, and it is pretty mind blowing. I said about it �the Downward Spiral by NIN wishes it could be this record�. Overall though, if it weren�t for the awesome band I have, we couldn�t have done this I think. Everyone played great, and everyone put up with my silly little vision of what the record could be. Kudos to the other boys in Presley.

I want a new drug.

I want to buy myself a gift

I want to sit by the ocean and read

I want to lay down and fall asleep

I want to buy John Coltrane CD�s

I want to sit around and smoke cigarettes

I want to fuck God

I want to get in the car and drive north

I want to get this taste out of my mouth

Sometimes, I am a foolish man

Other times, I get things done

It seems I have no ethics

It seems I have no real idea

I don�t know why they talk to me and ask things

I don�t know why they look like they do

I know one thing

I only know one thing

I am a happy man right now

Don�t let the word fuck fool you

Don�t let the confusion fool you

Don�t let the contradictions fool you

If it weren�t for contradiction how boring would we all be?

I want to finally go swimming in the ocean

I want someone to notice the community we�ve created

When I fuck, I feel like God

I feel like I�ve just created the world in 7 seconds

When I look someone in the eye, I want to

When I look someone in the eye, I swear I just want to jump

I want to jump off a bridge and into a spiraling world of unicorns from outer space and swirling black holes and vortexes that suck sound and light in and make people travel through LSD inspired worlds of darkness and light where nobody smiles, because it is in the darkest most, dreary corner of the universe, where time and energy don�t exist because of the way the vortexes are placed in the direct line of fire of the wizard that stands upon the top of this very fucking high mountain where the sky is blood red and unicorns that breath poisonous gas from their muzzles attack people for existing in this world in the first place

When I come home at night I feel great

I am a happy man

I have never been depressed

I like making pretend I am depressed

Nothing has upset me, ever

People who are constantly depressed are weak

People who cry are weak

People who suffer from broken hearts are weak

People who are always in a shitty mood are weak

Everyone is weak

I am only afraid of two things


and women with blue eyes

before & after



