Oh Joy!
2002-07-21 || sarahs entry
Soundtrack � Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me on the tele

Just had a quick night out with Dan and some friends; I Wasn�t into the bar thing tonight, so I�m home early. After a particularly bipolar day, I�m here getting high and watching this David Lynch movie, hoping to find a sample I can use. I want to find 2 samples to use for the recording next week. . Well, the later part of the day was the �bipolar� part of the day. The beginning of the day was great.

So walking in the store today with Dan, I realized, that I bet not many people are familiar with this

I saw lot�s of married people in there, husbands with toaster, and wives with John Tesh cassettes in their hands. I can�t imagine ever being where I am without these men existing

I was so into this band for the better part of my life, I have always, at one point in my life had to own at least the first 6 records. At one point in my life, I hung out with some people who partied like animals. Scanzilla was one of these people, this is when he was bad though

One night, I got really fucked up on PCP, I was on a bed with a bunch of packages of Pez and was attacked by one of them with a sword for my copy of Volume 4!

This upset me a whole bunch, so I called my friend Steve up. Steve was at a party out on someones back porch with his lady friend, but said he would drive down. Listening to him on the phone I wasn�t sure if he was in the state to drive though.

Steve is able to kill people with ease. He would surely kill someone for trying to take my copy of Volume 4. So he did, and then he filled with rage over the fact that someone would have the balls to try and take my copy of Volume 4. He got very upset.

I thanked him, and threw the partiers out of my house. I never want anyone to try and steal my copy of Volume 4 again. Fuck. When I had the house to myself again, I put the television on, and put on Jeopardy! The category was Famous magicians who look like members of Black Sabbath

Funny how everything is sort of connected like this.

before & after



