Oh Joy!
2002-07-17 || 3 different hookers
Soundtrack � Elvis Costello � This Year�s Model � Mean Streets on the TV

I have now achievedthis status. Tonight, I was ready to play rock music, Dan was ready to play rock music, and I guess the other two guys were as well. We started the rock music, and the recording device shit the bed. Next song, I break a guitar string�10 minutes later another string�.and then another one. Three strings in one fucking night. The last time I did something 3 times in one night is when I picked up 3 different hookers in different areas of the city�last week.

I don�t want to go to bed, I mean work tomorrow. I haven�t had much to do there the past week or so, so I don�t feel that bad about it. I did feel ill briefly this morning though, and my back still hurts a little from something. After next week, I have the weekend, and then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off how fucking sick is that though?

It�s to late for this right now�

before & after



