Oh Joy!
2002-07-16 || led zeppelin photos airplane
Soundtrack � Blue Note Breakbeats

Just got back in from a quick jaunt to the cd shop, coffee, and a quick visit to my grandmother�s house. Good tip: never get high, and then visit your grandmother�So I met up with Breaux

outside of the coffee shop and we were sitting there arguing about a certain episode of Friends, and if it was in the 2nd, or 3rd season. Actually, no we weren�t talking about that at all�Enjoying the weather as it was. Next to me was a man probably in his late thirties, talking with a young kid, about 19 maybe. �Young kid�. I have no idea what they were planning, but this is what I got out if it, in bullet point:

� The event would take place on September 21st

� There will be lasers

� A setlist was mentioned, so perhaps music?

� People would eat before �it�

� At the beginning, a curtain would drop, and it would reveal �the twin towers, because it�s 10 days after nine-eleven, and you should definitely do something with that� Perhaps a reference to the new Lord of the Rings film coming out, or is that the Two Towers?

� A moment of silence, followed by an American Flag �dropping behind you�

� �Fox might even be interested�

� After people eat, it will work into the �late night club feel�

I might go to this event. If I can figure out what it is. This sounds like the most amazing event that a person could go to. Especially with the nine eleven tribute thingy. This will be so fucking sick. I am going to do a bunch of coke, drink a pint of Wild Turkey and show up at this thing like Led Zeppelin walks off of that plane in the Song Remains the Same

. I will show up at this event so fucked up, I will be like James Brown in 1991. I will punch cops in the face if I have to. Don�t underestimate a coked-up-drunk Scorpio with a crowbar, and attention deficit disorder.

I have work to do before I go to practice tonight. I need to finish making the charts for each of the songs. I am being anal about this, but it needs to be done, so we can be as efficient as possible when we get there. I am going to draw up charts of everything we want to do with the songs when we get there, effects wise, vocal wise, etc.

I�ve decided that I need to be responsible somehow for the execution of Dana Carvey, not because I don�t think he�s funny, but I think he just needs to end now.

before & after



