Oh Joy!
2002-07-12 || paul stanley, and company
soundtrack � Kiss � mix cd with Paul �Starchild� Stanley on the cover, in the fire, currently: Shock Me

current goodness: seeing Rush tonight, Freddie Mercury�s sister-in-law, the anticipation all of Presley has right now, improvisational day to day living

I had just decided I wanted to try and eat a whole package of those new little Listerine strips you put in your mouth. I slipped all of them out of the package and put them in my mouth, not realizing I was walking into the video store. My mouth immediately started burning, and drooling at least a pint of saliva on my face and shirt; I asked the young man at the counter �What�s the name of that new Mandy Moore movie?�

In work today, couldn�t be nicer out today, and I couldn�t be in a better mood. The high of the week is down right now, the band stuff as we didn�t play last night, and we don�t play again until Monday I guess. I am addicted to the new songs we have now. We�ve been driving the same 9 songs into the ground now. I came up with a sequence for the record we are doing that puts all the songs in an order that tells a little story in a way. I think musically it works as well. I am more excited than a homeless child on Christmas, I mean a kid with a home, on Christmas, about the band right now. It�s safe to say that I would rather play with the band right now than eat food or drink water.

I now just remembered being at Dave Simmons house in junior high school one afternoon, instead of the usual getting high or drunk on his parents vodka and orange juice while listening to pink floyd- dark side of the moon, or zappa�s � freak out record, we invited some friends over and decided to party. I don�t know why but this has been coming into my head lately. We used to get fucked up after school almost every day in junior high. I was like 13. So we invited these girls over one afternoon, and played spin the bottle. I had kissed one or two girls at this point probably, I remember the first one was a big long cigarette flavored kiss, which I�ll remember for the rest of my life. It makes me cringe to think of all the non-smokers I�ve kissed since then, as it was a big gross at the time. So we were getting our spin the bottle on, and I got to go in the closet with Jennifer, the girl who eventually became my girlfriend a year or so later. We get in the closet and she says �You know I like Matt, so let�s just pretend we�re making out in here�. Me being the dumb, shy little metal head boy in 1983 that I was said �okay�. What a sucker. When I started seeing her, at one point she started seeing this other kid, and I would literally go out with her, and sometimes we would go somewhere and she would go in the room with him while I waited outside or whatever. Can you imagine doing this now? I can�t imagine it. My juggling skills aren�t that great, and I fear I would want to jump off a bridge if I were on either side of that for longer than need be.

I have too much to say, and a headache, and a lot to do at work, so I need to stop. Friday night is always more creative than Friday morning actually.

before & after



