Oh Joy!
2002-07-11 || john cleese, and the frugal nazi
Soundtrack � Guided By Voices � Alien Lanes

Current goodness: RCP-90, September 4th, not having any paperwork on my desk, Robert Pollard narrating this season finale of the Real World muted

What an amazingly awesome day I had today. Not a fucking cloud in the sky. Got some phone calls done that I needed to get done: The man recording us, Freddie Mercury�s sister-in-law, the guys in the band a combined 27 times probably. When I get hyperactive, and on a project I guess I do this. Fuck me then.

For �lunch� today, I had to make a payment on the car at the credit union, this is always a fucking blast and a half. So afterwards, I decide I need to eat Chinese Food. A taste I had in my mouth after being in Maine over the weekend, and seeing a Chinese guy and his wife and thinking I want Chinese food. Is that bad of me? Is that racist? Perhaps me owning 74% music by African-American�s negates any other racist overtone I may experience. Heh. So I go in to this little take out place next to the credit union, and next to the club that we are playing on August 13th as a matter of fact and you should go if you live in the Boston area, it�s the Sky Bar on Somerville Ave, in Somerville Massachusetts if you want more information go to that website above and be nosey, and greet the friendly Chinese man behind the big open counter.

(okay, I wrote that last night, and then got a little too fucked up, so I had to lay down J)

soundtrack � PJ Harvey � Is this Desire?

So I go into this Chinese restaurant, and order the special C22. As I hand the guy my money, I notice the other friendly Chinese guy just put a check into an envelope, he lifts the envelope up to seal it with his tongue, and I notice it�s going to �Terminix�. The pest control company. Fuck, what did I just order? Speaking of Chinese food, I saw a pigeon yesterday outside the office here and I think he was fucked up. He didn�t fly away when I walked up to him, I looked at the street sign, and then on a map, and I was not in New York City. I had a small elastic band with me, so I threw it in front of him (I would have pulled it out of his beak if he tried to eat it I swear) to see if he would react. He sort of looked at it, and then me and just stood there. Walked around a little, I threw a bag of hamburgers in front of him, I mean an unlit cigarette butt and he still just stood there. Poor guy. He wabbled into the street at one point, and almost got hit by a truck with rakes and lawnmowers hanging out of it with tanned blonde guys with shitty tribal tattoos driving it, presumably listening to Korn.

We�ve had band rehearsal 3 nights a week, by mid next week we should sound like Anthrax, or better yet, Bob Marley and the Wailers. I�m starting to feel the physical effects of it now. By the end of the night my fingers are as sore as a homeless mans feet on trash day. Last night, during the first two songs, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had a pain in the left side of my chest. To remedy this, during the third song, an instrumental, I played with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. On the way to rehearsal I needed to buy two things, the new Red Hot Chili Peppers CD, and the Royal Tennenbaums DVD. I heard Best Buy were having a sale, so I decided to give them my business instead of some big evil corporate chain store. So I went in there and fuck do they have a lot of movies I want to own. I found my two items, and then saw the guy again. The white power guy I�ve seen around the area a couple of times now. He is quite normal looking except for some evidently racist tattoos. He has �88� tattooed on him, which is white power �secret code� for �Heil Hitler� , and last night, I noticed he had a swastika tattoo on his forearm. It�s so funny when you see these people in places like this, with his girlfriend in line buying a computer accessory or whatever. Back in the day when I was a non-racist skinhead, we would see these guys on occasion, but you rarely saw them outside of their little circles of friends. I guess in the suburbs, you can get away with having a swastika tattooed on you. I�m pretty sure he noticed I have a big skinhead tattoo on my forearm. The same one a lot of them have, racists, and non-racists, you can�t tell who�s who though. I wonder if he thought I was �down with 88�. Anyway, when I was done with my shit in line, I went to my car to get more high before practice in 5 minutes. Sitting there I decided to wait until they came out to see what kind of car they would get in. Finally they came out, looking jolly, presumably talking about the evenings debauchery and �throwing nazi propaganda on peoples lawns, and maybe knocking over some Jewish headstones�, and got into a Honda. What kind of a white power guy drives a car made by Asians? A frugal nazi that�s who. The frugal nazi is the guy that will spray paint a swastika on a temple and that�s it, he won�t waste paint on misspelling things like �heil Hitler�, etc. The frugal nazi is the guy that will use recyclable hemp rope when going to a lynching. The frugal nazi is the one who won�t tip the black waiter. He knows how to cut costs. The frugal nazi should be in management. The frugal nazi knows how to get the best car for mileage, and knows where to buy his stereo equipment at competitive prices. God bless the frugal nazi.

�What have the Romans ever done for us?�

before & after



