Oh Joy!
2002-07-10 || not much
I wish I could end the shit that�s happening around me, the useless baby talk, the useless opinions and rumors and figures and statistics. I�ve been as honest as possible with the folks involved in my life that I need to be honest with, and it�s worked so far. So to be accused of not being trust worthy by someone who barely knows me is kind a joke. I have no energy to talk about that shit at all right now, it�s taken enough space in my brain today. Funny how people do things, and then when they see others do it, and get away with it, they get pissed. Yes, it�s funny I said.

I have a couple of things on my mind right now, one of them is you. One of them, I won�t tell you about any of this. I am keeping myself secret. I am keeping myself shut off from saying anything now.

I hate fucking women

I fucking hate women

wait a minute here

before & after



