Oh Joy!
2002-07-09 || tire iron upon the head of the scrawny wino
Sountrack �V George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue/An American in Paris

So if Karma Police by Radiohead is not a direct rip off of the Beatles Sexy Sadie, I will fuck a dog in front of my dads side of the family (and give said dog a reach-a-round).

So, this guy that we have become friendly with at the bar I go to on occasion was apparently stabbed the other night, and almost died. He apparently invited a couple men back to his apartment to get high, and eventually told them he was gay, so they stabbed him over and over. He had a knife sticking out of his chest as he called 911, and passed out before paramedics arrived. His heart stopped as well. This is pretty fucked up. The guy is a little off, but he��s a nice guy and is always friendly to me when I see him. He is also an ex-skinhead like myself, so we��ve talked about that stuff a bit. I just find it awful that this happened in the year 2002. Reminds me of that song from the Disposable Heroes of HipHoprisy about the guys who taunt a kid for being gay in school, years later said taunters go to jail, and are raped and taunted with words like ��queer��, etc.

The band has a gig on August 13th in Somerville, MA. If you live in Massachusetts, you should come and see us, we need the fucking bodies, nobody comes to see us �� Anyway, you can always check out the Official Fucking Presley Website to see what we��re all about, and to see what we look like, and see what we talk about, and see all sorts of shit you know? I finally figured out how to link stuff on this thing again. So now I can say things like. I really dig this Or, I think everyone should go here. You can see pictures I took a month ago at this website. I like taking pictures of the people playing the music with the instruments. I like being able to link things. Raise your hand if you think this is the funniest thing in the world.

I��m all set with the George Gershwin thing tonight, the new updated soundtrack is The Pixies �V Bossanova. Fuck you, this is a good record. I had a good experience during the song Ana recently, so fuck you. Not the best record they did, but�Kalso, tomorrow a new collection of old Pixies stuff from before Come on Pilgrim is being released, how could you not buy that. You would have to be a real fucking asshole to not buy that. Recorded at Fort Apache, which is attached to my office. There is a girl who works there that is a spitting image of my ex girlfriend from a few years ago. Yup. She had the unfortunate experience of seeing me perform Christmas With the Devil, and some other X-mas songs at the studio for our Christmas Party last year. That was a blast actually.

Tonight dan got a flat tire before rehearsal. Afterwards, sweaty, and completely fucking rocked out of our brains, we attempted to change the tire. The lugnuts would not come off for the life of Jesus. We got some off, then stripped others. It was hot, it was sucky, and it was almost helped when El Scientisto showed up. He couldn��t help either. During the attempted tire changing situation, two men strolled up who probably should have been here. It was a bit funny to see these jolly drunk men trying to turn the tire iron with their scrawny alcoholic arms. I wonder what Dan would have done if during this experience, I took the tire iron I had in my hand, and bashed the man over the head repeatedly. ��Okay Dan, now we have a fucking SITUATION, what should we do now? ARE YOU DOWN?? ARE YOU WITH ME??? WE NEED TO GET RID OF THIS BODY, OR GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE��. I would like to start getting my friends into situations like that. Have a friend pick me up, I��ll bring a bag out and say I need to deliver some cocaine to ��some guys in Lowell��. Or just walk up to a cop while with a friend and say ��my friend has something to tell you, he did something bad, and is now feeling guilty�� That��s it, I��m going to kill a human being in front of one of my friends just to see what they do.

Are you a member of the Fuck of the Month club?

I have to go to sleep now you see

before & after



