Oh Joy!
2002-06-26 || Otto and the monkey man
soundtrack � Bob Dylan � Visions of Johanna

it�s fucking warm out now. I love this shit. I like the hot summer nights. one of the better songs off of 5150 was summer nights, if anything for Michael Anthony�s backing vocals. I wonder if there is a person out there who thinks the whole 5150 record is better than the song Visions of Johanna? I would hit that person in the face with a smashed bottle. I would smash that person open! watch me do that to someone.

So last night we had the most bizarre rehearsal we�ve ever had in our existence. Dan played the 12 string acoustic, I played my red telecaster which I never play, and which sounds more like the Rolling Stones than my other Telecaster I normally always play. Then, when that wasn�t happening, I took the mic. I stepped up to tha mic beeatchh.I sang with no guitar, while dan played the electric guitar through my shit. it was odd just singing, although I used to just sing in my first punk rock band back in the�80�s, and then with Lugnut I just sang a couple songs without the guitar on occasion. This is good training anyway, as I will need to sing without my guitar in the studio�a month from tomorrow. Fuck me. We need to rock, and we also need to roll.

Afterwards, we went to Salem and had a couple beers. I don�t know how I feel about drinking again. I haven�t really gotten that drunk lately, so I don�t think it�s that big of a deal to have one here and there. We ran into Nicole there, man can she talk. I dig her though, she�s nice. Marc and a couple of the others were there too. I like that guy Marc a lot. He�s a smart guy, and he�s fun to hang with from the few times I�ve hung with him now. I knew him back in the day as a hip-hop guy.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. that�s all we all want to do it seems.

why is it breaux has to fucking figure out exactly who I�m talking about when I put that other mask on. the bastard needs to not make guesses. perhaps I�ll try to be more vague and say things like �I love her blonde hair and small tits, and that she�s short, and quiet�. Anyway, breaux, all of those people are made up that I talk about, that�s right�.yeah, and all the stuff I write about that uses real names, that�s the only real stuff�.and umm�I really want to smash people�and I want to kill myself. I really do�.so, I can�t keep secrets, someone will always figure something out. the bastards, all of them. Maybe I don�t use names a lot of time because I have no idea how to spell the names�

Huey Lewis steps up on the stage, the crowd erupts like a volcano, and BOOM! It�s Hip to Be Square! Damn, that guitar player can dance! That drummer keeps a rockin� steady beat! That bass player is really holding it down, and Huey, he�s rocking like a man possessed by the soul of Mick Jagger! This is the best concert I�ve been to in fucking years, give me another hit of ecstasy quick.

Lionel Richie shows up at this party one night all fucked up on Quaaludes and wants to have sex with a teenager.

So they called me yesterday and told me that they are sending out a repossession letter for my car. I was going to go down and pay it today, jeesh, why does everyone get so mad when you�re a month late paying for something. Anyway, I kind of wish Emelio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton would come and steal my car in the middle of the night. I even have one of those tree air fresheners that are in every car. Repo Man spends his life getting INTO tense situations.

before & after



