Oh Joy!
2001-10-26 || THIS question (I fuck, you fucked)
Soundtrack � some African American dudes playing trumpets and shit

I am running on about 3 hours of sleep right now. I always sort of like this feeling though, sleep deprivation, gives you some sort of surreal feeling. Especially after a night out where at one point I think I may have smoked a bit of opium, or something similar anyway. That�s all I heard was �mumblemumle it�s Morroccan mumblemumble��. I still feel a little high, and I have a slight headache that feels good.

So they wanted people to dress up for Halloween here at work today. I decided to dress up like �me, yesterday�, as I�m wearing the same exact clothes on the outside of my body anyway. At 31, I can�t say I need to even acknowledge Halloween�s existence, except when it is to get annoyed that there are fucking people all over the fucking place now in my town. Go home already, please. I have knives, and weapons you can�t comprehend.

Getting high before the rock band plays.

So the year was 1988 I guess, and I was about to go on stage with my hardcore band and yell and scream about Ronald Reagan, and Rambo and the Contra�s, etc. I decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint before going on stage. I was still a bit young, so getting high was not like it is nowadays, where I would be just as better off smoking a cigarette; save for last night where for the first time in a little while I was pretty out of it, and had a hard time keeping balance on more than one occasion. So I go out behind the building and do it with some friends of mine, and come back into the venue. It was unusually warm in there. I remember the faces walking by me as I stood there waiting to go on. I finally made it to stage and I all of a sudden was not high anymore. First time was easy.

Forward to a few years later I don�t want to write about this actually, fuck you.

Cock suck ccoc

Fuck c

I fuckign hate it get the fuck

Fuck ti

Last night I swear I almost killed everyone in existence. How the fuck do you spell that?

Last night I killed 5 people with a fire

A fire is happening

I happen to know that there is some sort of fire shit going on

So I heard from some inside sources that we are going to have a big tragedy here in America shortly. We are having our attention diverted with this Anthrax thing. As soon as they think we are definitely not looking they will bow up either a bridge, tunnel, or another building. They will kill us all. And it is your fault, because you chose to live free. You fucking asshole. And now we fuck. And now we die.

Back to your regularly scheduled program.

I picked up the Miles box set. I picke dup

We have another fucking new song. I don�t want to sing in the microphone. I hate what I have to say. I hate what anyone has to say. I hate telling anyone what I have to say.

I have a Halloween party in 15 minutes. I am dressed up. Dressed up like a cocksucker. FCUK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

I SAID ALLRIGHFUCKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WI don�t want to be alive anymore. I Hwant to be attacked by rabid dogs and Ycovered in scars and blood. Tear this Aapart like a wolf would a piece of Rmeat.

EI will fucking cccksucker

YI want to fucking OfuckingkillyourfuckinglifeyoucuntfuckinUgcocksuckercuntfuck.



















before & after



