Oh Joy!
2001-10-16 || annnnnouncemeent

So I have an announcement to make on here. I have been told I have a big mouth, and this and that, and fuck yeah, I do, shit goddamned.

So I started another journal on here, an anonymous one, where I can talk all the shit I need to, and use real live first names, yet nobody will know what is going on. I have been writing in it for about two months now. There are good stories about people doing drugs, dudes fooling around with their friends ex-girlfriends, people getting drunk and slobbering secrets. The journal will remain anonymous, and not even my girlfriend knows where it is, or closest friends. If you stumble upon it though, you may see your name, or a story that sounds familiar, it's probably it, don't worry though, your secrets are my secrets. Anyway, the diary is on diaryland, and begins with the letter that is the 4th letter of the eighth song on the last Rolling Stones record with Brian Jones. Someone from it may have even signed your guestbook at one point.Happy searching.....


before & after



