Oh Joy!
2001-07-23 || play guitar, roll joints, eat pussy
Sounds like � Frank Zappa � Fillmore 1971

Monday is here like a rancid STD. Again, I only got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I feel like shit a lot thanks to this sleeping pattern, but I really don�t like sleeping. It�s boring and I feel like bugs are all over me when I�m not moving. I realized also, I can�t sleep with blankets. Even in the winter, I can�t sleep under them. Perhaps I�m claustrophobic and don�t know it. I�ll welcome any more little fears, anxieties, and sicknesses I can get my hands on. I�m hoping I can get schizophrenia at some point for my collection. Last night I dreamt that I was at Shane and Maryann�s house and they fed me �Pancake with Maple syrup flavored yogurt�. I have no clue what the hell this means. The weekend was pretty good. I went on two �double dates�. Ha! Friday Angela, myself, Dan and Ann Marie did the video games thing up at the beach up north, Saturday I did the Chinese Food/bowling thing with Angela, Shane and Maryann. That was good. Especially since I won all three games of bowling ( too bad there;s no guestbook here for the three people I defeated to cry foul and say �we kicked your ass�, etc � which would be a lie! ). Just kidding, the complete opposite actually. I can�t bowl. I can play guitar, roll joints and eat pussy, but I can�t bowl, sorry. I can play a mean wiffle ball though.

Jeremy (Happy Birthday!) and I went to see SCI last night at the Fleet Pavillion and both thought it pretty much sucked. I�ve seen them a few times before. Last night we were pretty much sober. Makes me think of the old joke: What did the hippie say when he ran out of drugs? �This band sucks�. I�ll take Phish or moe. over them anyday�the jams sort of just noodled around, and were predictable. They have this very, very �crunchy� sound that just wasn�t cutting it for me. Jeremy gave the woman at the ticket counter a hard time when we bought the tickets as we had to pay a 7 dollar �service charge�. He ended up stealing a couple things of Pringles to make up for the difference. I figured maybe for 7 bucks we could fuck the band in the ass, instead they fucked us in the ass. I�d say it was my last time seeing them. Hippies smell like shit.

I�m looking forward to practice this week. We have a new song about worshipping the devil( well, not EXACTLY, but about being an evil man) that I think is going to be a big hit with the kids. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil. I like when they sing the song about the devil.

There�s so much bullshit in the air right now with girls and boys and kissing this one and that one and fooling around with this one and arguing with this one. I�m glad angela and I aren�t involved in this�we�re just sort of right in the fucking middle of it all though. I must admit it�s interesting to know all of these secrets about this one and that one and have to not say anything to this person and not let this person know about this and that�makes me think of being in my twenties again�heh�.

Chicks still haven�t proved they can kick ass�only muhammad ali�s daughter has proven that.

Back to work.

before & after



