Oh Joy!
2001-01-02 || short people don't deserve any rights
Soundtrack � Jimi Hendrix � Crash Landing

First entry of the New Year, exciting. So things are a bit different this �holiday season� than they were last year. In the span of a few months, I�ve managed to fall for a girl I like a lot, and of course, the last couple of weeks things have been going very well. I intend to do my best to keep making her happy, and being there for her whenever she needs me, as I�m sure she will for me. Sunday morning I cooked her some breakfast after spending a nice evening with her the night before. It�s funny how quick you can get back into the feeling of this. It�s a nice feeling, and I feel different now. Still able to write good songs though : -)

Speaking of that, the band is going into the studio on February 3rd. We have a month to practice and get ready, I think it is going to come out real good. This is by far my favorite band I�ve played in. Now Sarah will finally get to hear the band I�ve been telling her about for over a year.

I fear I will now become a boring, happy guy with nothing to say. Somebody, piss me off soon�.

before & after



