Oh Joy!
2000-06-15 || my car get's hit with Meditech tarcking device, Shawn and Sarah are hit by dumptruck
Tonight was the Cure show. The show itself was great, I had a good seat up close, and they played a good amount of songs. Sitting as close as I was though, it might be a good idea for Robert Smith to lay off the Guiness, and start drinking Coors Light though. The "highlight" of the night actually started way before the show though. Early in the day Shawn called me at work saying he was going to buy a ticket and come with us. He then called back a few minutes later and asked if it would be okay if he brought his girlfriend Sarah.I won't say I wished the following incident on anyone. While sitting in my car I saw them pull in right behind me, at that split second a dumptruck type truck backed right into them lifting his car up and smashing both windows of his car getting glass all over Sarah, and nearly hitting her in the head. "Oh there they are-oh shit!" Aside from being completely covered in glass, and Shawns car pretty much gone, She was taking glass out of every part of her. Finally Stefanie suggested they take the loss and go to the hospital, you never know. Sarah was a little sore.So we made it just in time. Anyway, that was a pretty strange way to start the night. It was almost like two flamingos in a fruit fight. We had 3 tickets but, only 2 of them were together, there was one single ticket. Since we bought the tickets I bitched that I did not want to sit by myself, and I ended up taking the single one. I only had to endure the two screaming girls next to me with clove cigarettes for about 2 hours of the gig though...

2 more days of work and I'm free for 18 days. That's that tune that's like dah nah nah dah nah nah nah nah nah.


before & after



