Oh Joy!
2000-06-09 || BOSS spelled backwards is Double S.O.B

Sounds like � Wilco AM

I am dealing with work a bit better than yesterday. Nothing is on my mind today, well, something is, but I�ve decided to just worry about going away right now. I can�t be bothered to think about anything else right now. Distractions are not going to help me out whatsoever. I�m now thinking of leaving the day I get out of work, right from work on Saturday instead of Monday AM. The sooner I leave the sooner I leave. Eh? Still up in the air about meeting up with JDG in NJ, I have about 5 days to decide that. I may just sell the tickets to Denise and fuck it all. Regardless, I can�t just sit here and talk about it anymore, I just need to do what I feel is right. Isn�t that the way I always operate? I can�t remember.

No money or magnets attached to anyone is going to pull me out this weekend I think. I say that now, but who knows. I really have a ton of shit to take care of. Boring adult stuff. Fuck that, I want fun kids shit like bars and marijuana, etc�

Hungry and worried


before & after



