Oh Joy!
2000-06-08 || the happy birthday shrimp pizza debacle
soundtrack: Belle and Sebastian - Fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant

A day off from work always refreshes me. There's no possible way I could have went into work today, got home way late again last night, and I actually set my alarm for the sole purpose of getting up to call in "sick". I'm far from sick right now. Well, actually, yesterday was a disaster. It made me wonder if the fact that my brain is feeling good right now overwhelmed all the crap in there from the past few months, and made me dizzy and headacheicated. Thankfully the day from after work on was much better. I called Heather and told her after the late night before, I would be going out to get some coffee and coming home. The minute I started my car she called on the cell phone and said she was making coffee, so I went there instead. Simple things like that make me happy.

Matt and I went to Bertuccis for lunch today, Lindsey was working and told us about some woman who called and said she wanted to order a shrimp pizza (how fucking nasty is that?), but she asked if they could spell out "Happy Birthday" with the shrimp. For some reason that struck me as the most absurd thing someone could get for a birthday dinner item, or gift. If someone gave me that I would be forced to never buy them a gift for the remainder of my life.

I'm still not sure of Belle and Sebastian. I've bought a couple of records now, and still haven't fallen on the floor yet. I love the lyrics, and the packaging(can you say Smiths?), but the music is just a little too...I don't know. I like checking out bands I find out you're "supposed to like", this happened recently with Modest Mouse, and Built To Spill. I had heard good things about both, and was pleasantly surprised when they were as good as I had expected.

Tonight I felt like telling my friends about what has been going on the past few days, but declined as there as no real way to bring it up randomly. People have eyes and ears, I'm sure they'll find out eventually.


before & after



