Oh Joy!
2000-06-08 || something in the way she annoys me
1) The next pathetic attempt for me to try and just �get along� is going to be getting a long, a long fucking stick a poking her in the face with it. Clearly the worst person I�ve ever worked with, period. Unprofessional, selfish, and loud. What a fucking silly joke she is. Perhaps she will get fired when I�m away. Lord knows, I�ve been trying to get her screwed as much as possible, and it�s starting to work. Then I would never have to hear about her rent, and car payments again. I could easily just have her fired. If I complain enough. They like me a lot, they generally don�t like her, if I keep at it complaining. Perhaps that will happen. I�d love to be responsible for ruining someone, simply because they annoy me.Now that is funny.

2) I try too hard, I push people. I push buttons, good ones, and bad ones. I know I do. I play it off like I don�t know what the hell I�m doing. Take Kerry Collins for instance. 1989 was the year I think. We dated for just about that whole year. Wait, it was 1988. Year after I graduated high school. Punk rock complete with pleated skirt, stupid haircut, etc. At the time though what punk rock guy didn'� want a punk-rock virgin girl? Near the end of that relationship, she decided to fuck a bunch of my friends. And simultaneously, my friends decided to fuck my girlfriend. So I guess I got fucked from 6 different ways, and they all got fucked one way or another. She was absolutely gorgeous, had a lot going for her, etc. She loved Jesus, blah, blah, blah. To put it bluntly, she turned into a �slut�. Everywhere I went for years people would say �oh I fucked her�, or �oh, he fucked her�. She apparently once went to see some band I can�t remember with her boyfriend at the time, it was his favorite band. He went into the bathroom, and she was with one of the band members in a stall. So last weekend I see my friend Kara, and she says Kerry is back around, but looks completely different with sunken in cheeks, horrible skin, boney, etc. Karma is great though. Now that is funny.

One hour left of this fucking place today. It ain�t coming soon enough. Not one good thing has really happened today. Let�s make a list of the good things that have happened today:

1) The shower worked

2) The bagel was okay(should this be on the list)

3) I finally put that Phish sticker on the new car. It looks good, sort of blends in�

4) I didn�t get killed

5) The new girl in accounting was wearing a dress

6) I finally heard the 12/18 Also Sprach Zarathustra from Hampton from mp3 I burned onto CD this morning

7) I didn�t get high

Okay dokay kong

before & after



