Oh Joy!
2000-05-26 || we call it "fried Black Sabbath Cake"
soundtrack - too embarrassing to put it in public : )

the warm weather all of a sudden shows up and good feelings show up good positive ones anyway not necessarily progress of any kind but positive vibrations break out the bob marley cd's it feels like the sun is not going to hide any longer i was introduced to a girl tonight at the bar that i have seen around and kind of wanted to meet matt and i played pool with her and her friend who he has a class with she's very attractive and seems very sweet i could definitely see hanging out with her staring at our feet together at the ocean it's too late to be thinking nice things about girls right now after a long day of work music and talking but what amazing hair eyes and lips though i can't think enough good things about that i can think about how much they pissed me off at work in the morning and then later in the day everything was fine it seems people just need to puch it every day with me not intentionally but when i get to work i do not feel like listening to people complain and people asking me questions immediately before i have even punched the clock with my fingers let me just take off my jacket and get used to the oxygen for a minute or so i just dealt with assholes on the highway and suit and tie guys in line for coffee with cell phones and bmw's and jetta's getting "EXpresso" for the ride to work so they can sit on their ass and bark orders at people like i so wish to do someday ceo of this company and that company i make money and tell you what to do i got here because i know exactly what part of peoples fingers i need to step on the middle one first i need to set an example i sound like a punk rocker complaining about guys in suits Black Sabbath would never be this

before & after



