Oh Joy!
2000-05-26 || thanks kitty cat
Sound- Micahel Jackson- Off The Wall

Damn it�s hot as piss in here today. I�ve now gotten in the habit of writing from work, since I always have something to say here, I just either can�t do it through e-mail a lot, or I�m too busy. I have a ton of shit backed up here, but after lunch you should not have to do any work for at least 2 � hours. You should be able to listen to Michael Jackson and waste time. Hence this�

So I was jolted out of a semi-dream about the girl I met last night. It wasn�t one of �those dreams�, I just had one of those dreams where you�re just hanging out with someone. It was 6 something am, and I heard this horrid scream that sounde like someone strangling a mule or something, after jumping out of bed and looking out the window I realized it was two of the neighborhood cats fighting. Cats make some pretty scary noises while fighting. Enough to wake me up, and get on my merry way to work. I arrived an hour earlier than normal. So thanks to the cats, I hope they didn�t have to suffer many scratches and bites for my benefit.

It turns out Dorian will not be able to with me now on my trip. She can�t really afford it, as she�s going to Iceland in July. Oh well, I wouldn�t want to force her, just so I can have company. I�m a big boy. I�m sure I�ll meet some interesting folks. I always seem to when I go off by myself.(I wanna rock with you�). The drive will be a little shorter, I guess that�s a benefit. I just fucking realized it is going to be June. This means after today I have literally 14 days of work here, and 3 more days at the store before I go away. How good is that. I am hopefully going to look for libraries so I can check my e-mail, and update this thing. Keeping a journal �old school� by hand is great and all, but I am so used to typing all day now it comes naturally to do this. Pens make messes, keyboards hurt your wrist maybe�

I don�t see myself being able to make it at work here all the way to 6 pm tonight. Everyone in here is leaving early. I�d be just as happy to leave at 3:30 pm and go get high and take a drive up the coast with Jimi Hendrix and a cup of coffee. I�ll find a friend who�s slacking.

Wendys Restaurant , Queens NY the other day someoe went in and bound and gagged these 5 people and shot them all in the head. If this isn�t the most disturbing thing I�ve read in a while I don�t know what is. Lately I�ve had visions of this kind of thing happening to people I know and that kind of thing. Not me doing it, but just visions of tragedy�yikes.

I just found out right now that one my co-union stewards is having his e-mail monitered. They are obviously reading all 5 of our messages every day now, to see if we are going to conspire to overthrow them or something, who knows. Can you say paranoia? It�s the shit like this that makes me want to keep doing it. I have noone to impress. I hope they�ve enjoyed my conversations about sex, drugs and rock and roll with my friends. The proof is in the pudding. Sure, I�m a little bit behind today, but I�ll be caught up shortly. As long as I�m getting my shit done, they have nothing, This department would crumble if they did anything to me, as I would immediately hand in my notice.

With that said, back to work.


before & after



