Oh Joy!
2000-05-25 || pharoah
The 2nd full day of having this new car was bad. I left work tonight, and got in the car and it wouldn't start. A few women were coming out and talked about it "nice car", "that sucks", "is it the battery", "do you need a ride?". I thanked them for their help, and kept at it. Eventually, I realized I had left the headlights on from the morning. It was pouring rain on the highway, and I put them on. Unfortunately, there's no alarm or anything to remind you to shut them, like most cars. I shut them, waited a few minutes and it started. I'm hoping that's all it was anyway. This was the height of my day I guess. That, and watching a Catholic school girl make out with a boy in the park across the street from the office. What would Jesus say?

My body is filled with knots. I've been trying to stretch more, and the exercising goes with that. But I've also felt tense, and physically beat. Apparently the mind isn't fully in gear, as the body would be in balance with that. I can blame it on a number of things, but the main answer is laziness, and a lack of sleep ever. Perhaps my "vacation" of driving for 8-9 hours a day in a car will relax me : ) Zen driving always does though. It's those first and last parts of the trip that suck. The first few hours when you're still seeing the same old familiar places, and the ride back when it starts feeling like home, yet you still have another 4 or 5 hours of driving to go (New York City! I'm almost home!).

okay this part is falling asleep

before & after



