Oh Joy!
2000-05-18 || they can't take that away from me
sound: Lester Young - Complete Verve Studio Sessions (disc 3)

It's funny how much of a 360 degree turn I can take within minutes with regards to my attitude and general well being. Today was all over the map. Starting in the morning with a generally somber mood, I was quite hyper and obnoxious in work. I've been waiting for the bank to call about this loan for the car, and after pestering them all day on the phone ("are you ready yet?") I left work livid. No one on the road was driving good, well, by my standards of good driving. It was obviously my attitude, as I became snappy for the rest of the evening. Band practice went good. My first sober rehearsal in a few weeks : ) I got home to the news that my loan was approved, and I should get the car on Monday. It sucks that I have to take a day off, but it will obviously be worth it, as this was definitely the main reason I've been so moody and distant the past week. Once my mind is on something, or I'm waiting for something rather, I get antsy(howthehelldoyouspellthat?). I apologize to anyone reading this if I've been "quite a fucking jerk" the past couple of weeks. I also have tickets to the Red Sox for next Tuesday, and the best pitcher in baseball is pitching for us, so it should be a good game. Pedro is amazing to watch, I've never seen him in person...

This Lester Young stuff is so relaxing and dare I say...romantic. His saxophone should be called the "Sexophone" instead, as his tone is so beautiful it makes me want to lay here with a lovely lady drinking sherry discussing articles we read in the New Yorker magazine. Okay enough of that...

The weekend should be busy, Matts graduation party is Saturday. I can't believe he's finally graduating, it seems like he's been in school for 10 years. Someone asked him what he was going to do with his English degree, I answered for him "he's going to be a well read liquor store employee". He only invited a few select folks as it's more of a family thing, so we can't do our normal thing of drinking gallons of beer and whiskey and smashing things on our heads and starting fights(kidding). I ran into Christian tonight, it's strange he was my best friend for a bit, but I never see him anymore, so it's always a little awkward. It's awkward that we're more friends with Dorian now than him, since they broke up. He will be there Saturday, as well as some other "old school" friends. It should be a fun time. No drinking for me this weekend. I've lost a few pounds this week and I feel like continuing. Okay, I'll have some Jack Daniels, but no more beer.I guess it's all bad for you, but hard liquor feels a little better.Wine? I can't imagine hanging out at that bar we go to and drinking fucking wine though. They play Limp Bizkit on the jukebox and everyone has mullets(www.mulletsgalore.com). I feel like you're supposed to drink Budweiser. I'd like to go there Saturday later though and see my bartender I wrote about the other evening. She's nice...

I supposed I should start booking motels tonight, it's now less than a month away. My itinerary is as follows:

June 16 last day of work : )

June 18 Leave Boston->Hagerstown, MD

June 19 Knoxville, TN

June 20-22 Nashville, TN

June 23-24 Atlanta, GA

June 25 Durham, NC

June 26 Drive-DC?

June 27 Drive-??

June 28 Holmdel, NJ

June 29 Holmdel, NJ

June 30 Hartford, CT

July 1 Hartford, CT

July 2-4 home

July 5 back to work : (

I've now typed that exact thing 5 times today.

Okay I've spent now -


before & after



