Oh Joy!
2000-04-26 || Ric OcasekiR-12:34AM est
sounds- Aston "Familyman" Barrett-Cobra Style (Productions from the Wailers Musical Director

Weather - still cold damn it

Just when I thought I couldn't get any lazier, I just destroyed the room. Well, destroyed it by cleaning it up, putting things back where they belong. I still have the dreaded "pile of paperwork/letters/junkmail/bank statements/etc" to go through to weed out the junk. I feel much better when things are in order around me. It get's messy, and it seems like your life does right along with it. How happy am I to finally take that Pixies CD single out of the regular alphabet, and put it with the other CD singles where it rightfully belongs. I've been listening to Reggae lately, perhaps because of the weather that should arrive soon.

I'm considering starting the road trip this summer by going to the opening show of Phish tour, in Antioch, TN ( I was not confident with my spelling of that ). I would have four days to get there, which seems like plenty of time from Boston anyway. If I don't do this one I will maybe go to another show a few days later in North Carolina, and then work my way back up North to where I'm planning on seeing them up a here a few times. This gives me about a week to drive to North Carolina, stop in Virginia for a few days. The concept of TN seems like a great idea, but it also seems like its about 8000 miles away. Who knows what will happe, I do want to have some sort of plan by the middle of May though, as my vacation starts June 14th, and goes through July 5th. It's coming unlike a porn star, quickly.

Got mail from TG today, that was nice. I miss her alot. If anything I valued our friendship so much, I think she was the only person I've ever met who knew me inside and out. I miss having her close by, and the whole time we were friends was just as good as when we dated. I've not met anyone quite like her since.

Today I went in late to work for the sole purpose of buying some new CD's that came out today, namely the new Neil Young. I still haven't really sat down with it and listened to the whole thing through. Probably tomorrow on the headset.

I still feel removed or something from people right now. I guess I like where I am at with friends and what I do day to day, but I feel like an outcast or something different. I try to say so much, and end up saying so little for no reason at all. Why do I need to even say anything? I realize how much more I write when I get home and I've been alone all night. Today I didn't really see anyone except for the band. Tonight was a good rehearsal again. We even played an impromptu version of "My Best Friends Girlfriend" by The Cars that turned out pretty good. We may learn it just to know it. We have a couple of covers, but I'd love to do a straight ahead song everyone knows just for the hell of it. We are recording next week finally. Thank God. I hope we can get some gigs now,It's been almost a year since we started. I was supposed to see Annu after practice but was too wiped out to go back outside (so I stay up until 1 am anyway). Now I'm too wiped to do this anymore.


before & after



