Oh Joy!
2000-04-25 || the guy out in the woods project
music- cocteau twins - head over heels

20 years later and there's still people(creatures) fucking with me out in the woods. I know that something is out there every night when I come home watching me when I come in. I hate that I have to come in through the back door at this place with all these woods behind me. Everywhere I've ever lived there's been someone or something watching me come home at night, and I've grown tired of it at this point. A few weeks ago I was just about to go to sleep, the second I shut my light out I heard this hideous sound coming from the woods, at first it sounded like a bunch of dogs, but it definitely wasn't. The second I peeked out of the blinds (with the light out) it stopped, I "came back in" and it started again. Very strange indeed. There is a little path that I've never walked down right near my door, perhaps I'll take a walk down there in the daytime someday. Shortly the hot summer will cause me to leave the windows open so that I can hear everything going on out there that I need to hear. I'll take care of it from there.

One of my favorite artists, Edward Gorey, died last week. I just read this about 10 minutes ago. What a shame... He lived in Massachusetts too! 75 years old. If anything is out in the woods, it's from one of his drawings.

April is just about gone, and my mind is blank yet again.

sheesh...is the sweltering heat ever going to show up? Can't deal with all the pale people around me all day.

I am very excited about the band right now, we are sounding very together, I am at the point where I love all the songs now, and look forward to playing every chance I can get. What a great release it is, to invent music and play it. This is all I really want out of it, is for personal happiness. I think Paul Weller of The Jam once said something like "We play music for ourselves, if someone else likes it, well that's good too". This is my philosophy. I'm ready to take it to the masses at this point. I miss the stage, I haven't played in front of people in over two years now I think. Yikes.

what am I doing at 2am?

before & after



