Oh Joy!
2000-04-20 || "with the dog in the car?"
I just remembered yesterday this funny thing that happened about 7 years ago or so. I was driving home from my girlfriend at the times house. This woman was walking a dog, and waved me down as if in distress. "Could I get a ride into the next town?" she asked. I let her and the dog get in and she started asking me what I wanted "Do you have any money? I'll blow you for $20" "With the dog in the car?" I asked...I refused the blow job, and said I couldn't give her anything. Eventually she got agitated with me, and told me to just let her out of the car, and to giver her a cigarette. I have no idea why I just remembered that yesterday. It happened one other time with my friend also when we picked up a hitchhooker(wow, a new phrase I just made up!)

Getting back to work today was a bit rough, it was my first day back in five days, and also the first day in a while I didn't write to SG at work off and on. Which made the day empty. It's raining here, and cold, and I feel pretty bland right now.


before & after



