Oh Joy!
2000-04-03 || I know I play a bad guitar
music: Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street

I'll be more than happy to have Bill Wyman wake up the neighbour and her testosterone fueled boyfriend at 2:30 in the morning. I'm back in the "vampire mode". It happens every year at this time. I stay out late talking with whomever about life, and then come home and reflect with some good music and more coffee this late. So "Loving Cup" is thumping just a little too loud right now, but I'm in a good mood and can't be bothered to nd turn it down. Plus it's my favorite Stones record. My last girlfriend and I exhausted all the Rolling Stones records except this one. I sort of hid this one from her with "..oh that one isn't that good..." I love this record more than anything in the world. So I didn't want it to ever even have a chance of being a record an old girlfriend and I used to listen to. So I hid this one, big deal. She's probably heard it by now. Speaking of "her", the bartender last night reminded me of her. Same nose and mouth, body type. She even brought a free shot of Jack Daniels over to me at one point for some reason.

Going on vacation soon, this should be good. I'm planning on taking the same route I took last year. Through Pennsylvania,Maryland, West Virginia, the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway through Virginia, and then over to Virginia Beach, Washington DC. Coming home, and then going out with Phish for a week or so to New Jersey, Connecticut, and back to New Jersey/Philadelphia area. I think my friend from London is coming shortly after that. I am excited to see her, as well as "nervous" in a strange way. We know each other alot better, and have been through alot of different emotions together since I last saw her. It will be nice to see her.

2:40 is too late to be typing and looking at a screen.


before & after



