Oh Joy!
2002-08-31 || dre day
Soundtrack � ceiling fan, spiders, smoke

I have to wake up in 3 hours to go to work for 12 hours. I am completely wired thanks to this coffee. I have now spent almost a whole week just doing nothing by myself. What a miserable existence. Sometimes, I�m dying for this. When I go away, it works better like this. When I�m just working and coming home at night, and then taking a drive up to New Hampshire, or Gloucester to do nothing, I start to get out of it.

I did however finally archive all of my old entries, dividing them up into seasons. Fuck, I didn�t realize how much shit I�ve put in here. I look back at some of it, and it seems like 10 years ago to me. I wonder if anyone reads this and takes me seriously. Yikes. I would imagine not. I try to bend the facts a little each time. Reality exists only in my head. I never tell in person, I�m certainly not going to here. Good luck to the armies. My head is feeling like a bag of ice.

Dre knows what it�s all about though

before & after



