Oh Joy!
2002-08-30 || bling-bling
Soundtrack � Charlie inside, ceiling fan

I just accidentally watched the whole replay of the MTV awards show that was on tonight. What a piece of shit borefest that was. Things that went through my head throughout the broadcast:

�Guns and Roses, or rather Axl Rose, sucks now. His voice was so off, and the band, although they had Buckethead playing guitar, along with Tommy Stinson, was off. They just didn�t sound good�

�That�s what Christina Aguilara looks like?�

�That Justin Timberlake kid dances like Michael Jackson�wait, he dresses like him too�I wonder if his skin will turn dark?�

�Moby ain�t all that�

�this is what that band the Hives sounds like?�

�I�m not high anymore�

�Jimmy Fallon is on cocaine�

�Eminem is a lot more muscular than I thought�

�this is quite possibly the worst cup of coffee I�ve had in my life�

�I would date Pink, if she always kept her mouth shut�

�I wouldn�t fuck Sheryl Crow with Breaux�s dick, and Dan pushing�


before & after



