Oh Joy!
2002-08-27 || shameless fuck pdidy
Soundtrack � Me, live in Hawaii

It�s not that late yet but it�s getting there. Currently, fuck.

Currently, I have nothing in common, not even with myself. At this point, I�ve lost any sort of faith or hope for anything. You can�t really count on anyone except for yourself it seems. Sure, there are a few of you out there that need that companion, or special someone to deal with shit. Well, fuck. She and he and they don�t get it. I am always ready for something. Fuck.

So I went to that website that has the word makeout in the name, and has pictures of all sorts of people today at work. What the fuck? Why do these people need to still exist in the world where I breathe oxygen? Those fuckheads with the spiked belts, and the nautical star tattoos and those glasses like Breaux wears. Fuck they need to be put in a hockey arena, fed a ton of mescaline and gin, and let�s put it on pay-per-view and watch them all eat each other like cannibals. There would be a ton of stupid fucking ironic t-shirts all over the ground, wire rim glasses, and probably a bunch of those belts.

I could literally put on Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again by Dylan on infinite repeat, and I wouldn�t get sick of it. That is the only song I can do that with.

I just haven�t felt like doing anything anymore. I don�t want to go out, because I will die. I don�t want to stay here, as I just rot my brain. I want to LIE LIE LIETHEY ALLFUCKINGLIE THE FUCKERS BOYS GIRLS THEY ALL FUCKMEOVER AND I HAVE DONE NOTHING. I HOPE THEY ALL FUCKING BURN.

Anyway, our CD is finally done. If you would like a free copy of it, we are burning a bunch to give to friends and acquaintances, please e-mail me at [email protected], and give me your address. I will send a CD, I promise I won�t stalk you, or send anthrax to you.


before & after



