Oh Joy!
2002-07-31 || presley in the studio pt 4
Soundtrack � presley � rough mixes w/vocals from today

Today was the last day of the actual recording process. I spent literally the whole day singing. It was great actually. Steve pushed me all day to fix shit, and had us sit there and listen to every single lyric on the whole thing, then we punched in words, and lines throughout everything, sometimes doing 8 takes of one line. It was a bit exhausting, but I�m glad he pushed me to make it so I wouldn�t have any regrets about anything. So far he has been an amazing person to work with, throwing ideas and everything around, and generally acting interested in the whole body of work. Perhaps he didn�t realize how serious we were about this whole thing. Either way, I am happy so far, and look forward to doing a little more work tomorrow. His assistant engineer, Sean, asked if I would come up there some night and record some guitar stuff for him. I thought that was cool as well. So far this whole thing has been a cloud of marijuana smoke, iced coffee, and sleep deprivation. I almost can�t wait to get back to �real life� I have no idea what the date is, and I have no idea what day of the week it is right now, and I don�t care to know. I have to go to fucking sleep right now is all I know right now.

before & after



