Oh Joy!
2002-07-25 || ronnie
soundtrack � Fu Manchu � King of the Road

The rock music is just about ready to be recorded. We go into the studio on Saturday, and Aarne and I at least, don�t leave until Wednesday night. Well, to sleep and fill up on drugs. I have a million and a half ideas in my head for things that I think will sound cool. I imagine that if we aren�t playing Radio City Music Hall by next spring we are doing something horribly wrong. Then we have that gig on August 13th which is also a very exciting thing to think about. Last night we broke into an impromptu version of Love Gun by Kiss before Dan arrived. I never knew how well I knew that song. Fuck yeah.

So I generally don�t care what people look like, and I generally don�t care what I look like, but I want to talk about people who I think look really fucking stupid. These kinds of people

Is there a difference between these kinds of people and these?

Of course there isn�t. They all spend way too much fucking time in front of the mirror, and then play/listen to shitty music. The day I get a tattoo of a naked woman on a missile with a martini glass will be the day I also get a tattoo of this

So I was reading this thing by this band The Hives. What a useless piece of shit this band is collectively. I hate when bands have that Oasis attitude but don�t have the music to back it up. What this has to do with rock and roll music is far beyond me, way beyond. This is about as rock and roll as an Andy Williams record. The only band that is allowed to say how great they are, and how everyone else isn�t worthy of their space in the history of rock is:

and this guy if you want to get technical

speaking of this guy� a long time ago. I was hanging out with some younger guys, my age. I was at a point in my life where I had long hair, and I listened to heavy metal all the time. I wanted to kill dragons, and evil wizards just like

So one day I decided that I needed to get high, really high, and listen to this record by him so I could gain some power, so that I could then kill a dragon. The dragon approached me, and I did this, and it flew away

before & after



