Oh Joy!
2002-07-23 || bill and helen, of bill and helen
Soundtrack � Rollins Band � the End of Silence

This is sick fucking rock music that is loud. Today at work, it seemed like I was there for 12 hours. Fuck work. Fuck.

So a while back, maybe 2 years ago, I woke up one morning and was getting dressed to go off to my work. I heard some moaning outside my window, and looked outside to see the woman from downstairs sprawled on the ice

It was Helen of �Bill and Helen� from downstairs. Bill and Helen are the couple downstairs that might as well be

I ran down to help Helen out, got her a little blanket and called the 911 people. It was icy as fuck out there, and Helen fell on the ground. Bill was inside sleeping. The 911 people came, and helped Helen out. It was great. Helen was okay, and now when I see Bill and Helen, they are always friendly to me, and once made me a pie. I wonder how Bill and Helen would feel if they knew that these activities took place above them on a daily basis

I wonder if Bill and Helen would know who this is if I showed them this picture

I wonder if Bill and Helen would know what to do with this

I think Bill and Helen are a lot hipper than they lead on. I saw Bill outside cooking a hamburger the other morning. In the morning, Bill was cooking a hamburger. 9 in the morning, eating red meat. Good for Bill, of Bill and Helen.

Okay, I will stop being a zealot with the photographs. Give me an inch, and I take a foot.

It�s funny how I never really have anything to say, yet I can talk shit for twenty minutes at a time. I like the phone ringing off the hook. I feel like this sometimes

before & after



