Oh Joy!
2002-05-23 || the wine incident
soundtrack � sunny day real estate � the rising tide

I have energy today, considering the events of last night, it�s hard to believe though. I was invited to a party to watch a friends band perform in a living room for 20 people pretty much�with john medeski from MMW sitting in on keyboards. the bass player was also there but didn�t play with them. I had a great time with Eric and Jeremy, arriving there as the sun was still up on this farm way out in western Massachusetts. the house was small, but the land was vast, and the air was clean. I got to meet 2 of the guys from one of my favorite bands and hang out and whatever. It�s funny that I don�t really get nervous meeting these people anymore. These people that are pretty popular musicians that have played all over and they are just down to earth people like me and my friends. I think because I am so familiar with their music, and listen to it a lot, it makes it easier to talk to musicians like this as you have things to talk about already in a way. anyway, I had about 6 or 7 glasses of red wine and was in a haze for most of the night. at one point i bumped eric by accident and we spilled wine all over the floor, and on the wall which was white... at 1:30 AM it was winding down, the boys decided to stay the night and catch a ride in the morning with someone else. My drive home was pretty effortless for the most part. there was a life saving Dunkin Donuts in the town right before I got on the highway so coffee and sugar was in order. I tried to keep myself awake by playing one of the Zorn CD�s that is all over the place and noisy. It worked, but then I started getting scared of the music so I shut it. I stayed wide awake for just about all of the ride. Once I got to Salem though, I was dead tired and my eyes were glazing over. the sun was starting to come up a little. I smoked a little more pot to wake myself up, but it didn�t work�hmmmm. I finally got into bed at 4:45AM, and got up at 7:00 to come here. Tonight I�m going to see the band again, and will probably have the same sleeping schedule. my band is having it�s first rehearsal since we �broke up� briefly last week, or I quit or whatever you want to call it, next Tuesday. Sleep deprivation is in order if I want to come up with some good songs. I already have one I�m working on that is a little melancholy number for the masses.

the answer to the trivia question is Tony Iommi, he was in Tull for about 2 weeks in 1968.

JDG was concerned of my drive home alone last night, which was nice, I reminded him of some of my other long drives of solitude though. I was a little let down at first, until I realized I could play loud heavy metal rock music in the car on the drive�which I never ended up doing, but I had the option. I had the option yes. thankfully eric had some new music to give me for the drive. that guy is a great guy.

some people are out of fucking control. this is not about you, or anyone you know, if you are reading this and you know me. this is a story, it�s fiction. some people, they say one thing, and do another. yeah, I do that sometimes, but we all fucking do. imagine that. I can�t think of a time when I haven�t lived and learned, so I turned something around. I changed my view. when does hypocrisy cross over into learning experiences? when is it forgiven? when can you not be labeled a hypocrite because you learned something. do you have to explain it all? I don�t want to do anymore explaining. once we start taking ourselves too seriously, we lose sight of anything remotely serious anyway, we take a left turn into unnecessary actions and words. do you want to know how I put up with you? because we are after all the same person, you were correct for once.

before & after



