Oh Joy!
2001-11-18 || The
It�s Sunday morning, and I don�t want to go to work again tomorrow. I took Thursday and Friday off, and I have next Thursday and Friday off as well. I hate going to work now, I am completely burnt out of it. I want to work somewhere where I don�t have to talk to anyone all day. I am going to start looking for a new job in a couple of months I decided. I think I am going to go for a warehouse thing, or something physical. I just can�t deal with sitting in front of a computer all fucking day, and being on the phone. I avoid phone calls all day at work, and I screen calls. I don�t call people back. I don�t follow up on things. I�m definitely doing a shitty job at work right now. The funny thing is, I don�t really give a shit.

I went and played pool last night and felt like smashing people in the face with the stick. I get into a zone when I�m out amongst lots of people. I don�t want to look anyone in the eye, I just want to kill them all for being fucking stupid.

So we had the gig the other night. Musically it went okay. The other bands were good as well. By the time we went on, folks had started to clear out though. I sort of thought that would happen, as some of the people I talked to there had a good amount of alcohol on the breath, and I figure they probably wanted to continue on with that. Is there a nastier smell in the world than that? I don�t think so. The campus police shut us off a few minutes before we thought it was supposed to end, which sucked, as we felt like making people feel even more uncomfortable by making noise with the guitars and drums.

There were a good amount of people at the gig with either the a) spiked belt, or the b) the belt with the metal circles in it. Can someone explain what this is all about? Is it some sort of revival of the worst fashion things of the eighties? I don�t understand how folks don�t realize how fucking ridiculous they look. Once someone looks like they took a little too much time getting ready to go out to a gig, they immediately become a victim. Machine guns, swords, and flame throwers come to mind. Fucking dorks.

Why does music suck so much right now? It�s all so mediocre. Ryan Adams, The Strokes, all this shit they are heralding as genius is just boring music with no soul. Yuk! On a good musical note, I picked up this CD on John Zorn�s label by a Japanese group called Mono that is pretty good. It�s instrumental, and sounds sort of like Sonic Youth meets My Bloody Valentine meets Godspeed You Black Emperor. I picked up some more Zorn CD�s as well.

Anyway, fuck you.

before & after



