Oh Joy!
2001-09-28 || seals and veal and your moth erhefufckk
Soundtrack � James Brown � Sex Machine

It�s amazing what a night of good music can do for a man. Amidst the few long haired dudes, and elf like hippie girl or two dancing I realized last night that it was exactly where I wanted to be. I can�t imagine getting this feeling at a normal every day �rock concert�. For me anyway.

Yesterday I shook the hand of a man from across the street at work here and I noticed it felt strange, when I looked a minute or so later, he was missing a couple of fingers. Kind of strange that he was a computer programmer or something like that. He must type like the typical male. Heterosexual male that is.

Why do people judge and throw their ideas at me like I�m supposed to care? Why do people try to give me advice at this point? I�ve been given all of the advice I can take, or need by now. If I can�t do shit right by now, then what�s the point. Perhaps I�ll just give up on everything. Imagine that? I�ll just stop caring about anyone but myself. I won�t care about other feelings of people, I won�t listen to a word from anyone. I won�t do anything that makes me have to bend a little bit of my brain for others. Hey wait, this sounds like how it is now anyway! Well, if I don�t have life figured out, or how to go about my daily business by say next year around this time, I am going to go on a suicide mission somewhere. Perhaps I�ll carjack an oil truck and crash it into a school bus, or car jack an firetruck and drive it through a shopping mall at Christmas time. Either way, I need to do something inside my head, or else, next year at this time, I�ll go away. At least I won�t have to deal with Christmas again!

Someone just handed me a free Bob Dylan ticket for next month, I think I am going to shit my pants

Are you fucking crazy? Are you out of your godamnedfuckingmind?

There were a good amount of

There were a good amount of

I wish I drove the Ford Festiva

I wish I drove the Ford Tempo

I wish I drove the Ford Focus

I wish I killed a seal with a baseball bat

i just had sex with a bag of potato chips!


Imagine whgat it would be like if we all drove spaeceships ijnto a phot of jimi hnedrix!

imagine what the life of the party wouyld be like when it comes time to getyour se i said get your sel fdown to buisniness it's time you stiopped trying to fukc my mither and let uis do this shiwt like reall buxkck wild style. like the way i fuck you. i fucke you and then you ask me to do the shit agaian i tell you to go to thell what is this a bag of ford festiva filled potato chips or some shti like that. i tell you the truth and then you go fuck

you listen top me and you listen to me good, i will likill a veal cutley t for looking at me, you don't seem eto understan d that io can kill dseal and veal with knifes and bats'

now whoo's the asssshole?

i w ont'

before & after



