Oh Joy!
2001-04-03 || army of dogs
t�s that time again, looking at my site meter, I found a bunch of Google searches people put in and came across my site�it looks like my �trap� from last time I did this worked. Anyway, here are some real life things people have searched for on the net. You people are strange I tell you�.

Naked Kids

Grandmothers having anal sex


Dick fuck jane

Fast times ridgemont high pool top off

Stephen Hill Marvin Gaye (??? I need to tell my buddy Stephen Hill about that one�)

Veal pictures

Naked kids photos

Unicorn picture diaryland

Hate my friends

Naked grandmothers

Naked kids

Naked kids

Brad Pitt penis

Waitress tits

Stones bricks bats full malt bottles

Bernard sumner drugs

Old playboy magazines

Having a boyfriend but liking someone else

Lollipop boys

George scandalis

Phish music that I can listen to right now

Marvin Gaye one night

Am fucking him everyday

I decided that most of these folks are probably people I saw on HBO last night. I watched this documentary on these pro-life people who were so fucking thick headed talking about how they support the killing of abortion doctors and this and that. I am a male and all, and it�s not really my choice as to what a woman does with her body so I won�t even get into that argument, but these people just plain sucked. Celebrating on the year anniversary that Paul Hill killed that man in Pensacola, posting the home names and addresses of doctors on the internet. Anyway, I visited their website today at work www.armyofgod.com. What a bunch of mindless morons who think they are doing the work of Jesus. If anyone rots in hell, it will be all of these people. Makes me want to throw the bible in the toilet�again.


before & after



