Oh Joy!
2000-06-19 || Hello Cowgirl In The Sand
soundtrack - miles davis - At the Blackhawk vol. 2

So this is it. I leave tomorrow morning at 7 am or so. It's now well past 2 AM, and I have a 7 hour drive ahead to wake up to or something like that. I am going to miss the "luxury" of being able to type every single night. But it will be okay to kick it old school and write with a pen and paper. I had a small get together with 4 of my favorite friends tonight (HeatherStefanieDorianChristian) we had dinner and then went to Dorians apartment as her roommate was having a birthday situation. That was pretty laid back. It's funny how in the face of things you can't say anything. Like right now. I have alot to say, I am just wired, and can't really figure out how to say it. I am going to miss everything and everyone here basically. Have I mentioned how good the "cowboy hat" looks? Cowgirl. Oh well, it should all still be here when I return. I am going to try and get some web access along the way, perhaps I'll be able to update this thing, if not. I'll be back in Boston on July 2nd.


before & after



