Oh Joy!
2000-05-03 || The mighty and the watch it!
sndtrck: faith no more-angel dust

Oh yeah, I was going to get into the bed earlier from now on. I just got in from that Nine Inch Nails thingy. It was pretty good actually. Despite the fact that I could not feel my legs for the majority of it, as the seating was very tight. We had a good view of the stage though...God, Heather told me something embarassing I did a few years ago regarding one of her friends. I feel like such a fool, but in a funny way I guess. I guess I wish I had the power to do and say things differently. This is something I'm trying to work on anyway. I feel like I'm in the 6th grade sometimes the way I act. So at the show I was waiting for them to come out of the ladies room, and the bartender girl from the Saturday night hang out walked by me. Funny, when Heather told me she would not go, I told her I was going to ask the girl at the bar. Needless to say, even though she made me 6 drinks last week, I rarely talked to her. She must get that all the time.There is some sort of creature out in the woods right now making barking noises, but it's not a dog, it's definitely that thing that hangs off my roof and looks in the window when I go to sleep. Whatever, it can watch me. I look forward to the quiet motel rooms on the road this summer. I love going out and smoking cigarettes outside the rooms in the middle of the night. The one thing I do not look forward to on my trip is not talking. You kind of go nuts after a few days by yourself saying things like "ten dollars unleaded[this is to reflect gas prices of the last couple of years, this year it will be 'twenty dollars unleaded please')", "a pack of Winston Lights", "Do you speak English in West Virginia?", etc...I did call alot of friends randomly the last couple times I went out alone. The hotel room, as fun as it is by yourself, can get lonely at night with the bad television, and air conditioner humming all night. Okay it's just a dog. This survey thing I received today from a friend was pretty interesting, it was basically one of those "how well do you know me?" thingys. I sent it to a few people, and got responses on a few of them, and I filled it out for them. One of the questions was "Have you ever had a crush on me?" This one was particularly hard for me. As it was a yes in just about all of the cases (except for Matts). On some of them I wanted to use it as an excuse to talk about how I really felt, but realized writing it, as better at it I am, is a stupid idea at this point...long fucking sentence horribly executed, shit it's late again.My ears ache now. The rest of my body aches to, I need a back rub or something soon, I feel like a wound ball of rubber bands that needs to unwind somehow. Okay, no complaining. That's what the co-workers are for. Me to complain to. Saw Annu there tonight also. She was with the guy whe was seeing a little while back. Heather and I immediately disliked him as she started talking to us, he said "Umm, I really need to get water, can we go?" I felt like pointing out the puddle to my left, but held back, and told her I'd call back. I think she was a little mad as I said I was not going, and she needed a ride. I'm a bit glad I did not have to deal with him though. I would have ended up torturing him in the car with the disco radio station playing the Backstreet Boys, Ricky Martin, etc anyway...and then not stopping for water on the way home, just potato chips. Yeah, salty, dry potato chips. No water though! I'm glad she does not like him much. She got "stuck" going to the show with him, as they bought tickets to the show when they were dating or whatever. I remember dealing with that type of situation a few times in the past. Yikes, I better lay back about everything now, it's late, and I'm liable to say something silly. The bed wants me over there front and center now.


before & after



