Oh Joy!
2000-04-30 || Hi Satchmo3, add your diary entry here

soundtrack : Rolling Stones - Goats Head Soup

When I woke up this morning that's all I could smell was Jack Daniels. Working on a 3 hour sleep, from the result of alot of Jack Daniels and marijuana I made my way to the record shop, and was only fifteen minutes late opening up. We were dead all day in there. Fortunately, my favorite drummer from any of my bands I've had, and good friend Breaux came in and hung out for a few hours. He's a music junkie like me, and we sit around and talk about bands, and girls with red hair that like indie rock, blah blah blah...When I got in last night I could not connect to the internet, nor could I this morning. I had so much shit I wanted to write down here. Perhaps because I was drunk? Most likely, as I don't remember what I had on my mind last night. The night was okay, same bar, same people, there was a good amount of my friends there, and my favorite bartender was there as well. I wonder what she's all about. Heather says I should talk to her. I feel so dumb doing that there though. That must happen 87 1/2 times a night. I'm most likely another guy (there's a woman that looks like Elvis Presley walking her dog in my yard that I've never seen before) walking up to the bar ordering my 7th drink of the night, with a pathetic smile on my face. They say the best way to happiness is to belittle yourself like this don't they?

How do you look in the mirror every morning?

I don't really believe in anything I can't just see in plain daylight. There is absolutely no reason for me to have faith in anything but the people around me now, and myself. Who else can answer my questions and help solve problems? The book and the chant aren't going to help me, or anyone for that matter. There's nothing "out there" that we haven't seen yet.

There was something wicked in the trees on the way in last night though.

I have to fucking go now damn it

before & after



