Oh Joy!
2001-03-19 || pha-q 2
Soundtrack � Elvis Costello � My Aim is True

I forgot how to write. It was a long weekend again. Today I had to go help some family situation out for a few hours. Pretty uneventful beyond that.

I just got this computer working up to speed again this week. It crashed last week and Steve and Christian had to come over and erase the whole hard drive, everything was wiped out. It was still not working, finally, I pulled the graphics card I installed a couple years ago out and it started working. Hours on the phone with Gateway tech support is no fun either. They began to know me by first name I was calling so much. One thing that sucked is I lost a million e-mails, and my address books, etc. I am now searching down some of the folks I have not written to in the past couple months. I apologize if you�re one of those people : )

I am sick of all the music I hear on the radio right now and see on the television. I look at a guy like Eminem and have to laugh, here�s a guy who apparently has reinvented hip-hop, in twenty years he will be a part of pop culture history, not music history. The popular culture in this country is so lame right now. The movies, the music, the clothes, all of it makes me glad I am an observer rather than an advocate. Although, who knows, maybe I am part of it all because I do like watching people be stupid. Can you imagine being interested in what happens on Dawsons Creek, or any of that? I can�t. I�m more interested if Ahmad Jamal is still playing piano. Yeah I still feel bitter about things I guess, even though I am in a good mood most of the time now. The same things still piss me off as did last year. Alcohol, etc. All of that weak stuff.

before & after



